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George Moore

I want the poem to recover / the string of days in what seems a perpetual migration


I want the poem to do something immediate.
So put down the pots and pans and stop trying
to warn the neighbors. Take note of the blackbird
on the snowy railing, and not just for this instant
but for its entire lifespan, the now and now and
now of its flights into and out of other worlds
no one will know. I want the poem to recover
the string of days in what seems a perpetual migration,
so constant a movement that from our distance
even the curve of the earth can be recognized.

George Moore's poetry has appeared in The Atlantic, Poetry, North American Review, and Colorado Review; and internationally in journals in Singapore, New Zealand, Ireland, and Tasmania. Nominated this year for two Pushcart Prizes, two "Best of the Web," two "Best of the Net," the Rhysling Poetry Prize, and the Wolfson Poetry Prize, his collections include Headhunting (Mellen 2002) and All Night Card Game in the Back Room of Time (Pulpbits 2007). He teaches literature and writing at the University of Colorado, Boulder.