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Steven Karl

Today is a day where you want to hold another hand in yours.


The other day, I ate a grapefruit. It felt good to have it flesh & guts all around my mouth. To see its peels piled on the plate like lost-out lovers ravaged in violence. Today feels like intimacy. A day where the light is clear & clean and you want to lick it. The way it streams into windows, shines asphalt, reflects off of bikes. Go ahead & lick it. Today is a day where you want to hold another hand in yours. Have lips pressed against yours. Have someone touch you where you haven't been kissed or touched. Have all that inside stuff go electric. Today feels like the type of day where one can drink grapefruit juice with morning light streaming through dirty windows

Steven Karl is the author of State(s) of Flux (Peptic Robot Press, 2009) a collaboration with Joseph Lappie and the chapbook, (Ir)Rational Animals (Flying Guillotine Press, 2010). He has an e-chap forthcoming from H_NGM_N. In one way or another he is involved with Coldfront magazine, Sink Review, Stain of Poetry, and Borough Writing Workshops. He sometimes blogs at stevenkarl.blogspot.com.