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Andrew Brenza

or like jellyblossoms of clambared eutrophy / oysterbreathed and figureheaded upon absent whalebump

cichlid geometry as the reticulation of desire (aside number 5)

light masticated into form       of bodies

like mustard clouds       memos       husking fields

of artificial corn       bodies       like mastheads       branded

round the filtering rings       of vision       pocket-formed

sockets       of exploitation       bodies of vision       masticated

into meetings       into scorn

(i wanted the depth-swept vibrations of her voice to be the re-being of me

i wanted an ablution of the liquid-living brown of her eyes)

light masticated into form       of my eyes

dusking into drone       a sere-scape of office space

and litter      beyond which       the cows are really getting slaughtered

and the poor       are really killing       the poorer

before the rich       who are really getting       richer

and a sea       that is really getting hotter       higher       and       is a hole

Gossamer 9

anything is wonderful, anything is odd, even you, o light, my light!

of machine that is sound and motion of trees in you

of machine that is shape of hollowness and shape of sea in you

of machine that can put the entire shape of you entirely in you

of machine that is the light on the machine in you

* * *

crystal distance of pelagic flashbarrens

re-silent saltfalls;

or like likenesses of mirrors and megafauns,





or like jellyblossoms of clambared eutrophy

oysterbreathed and figureheaded upon absent whalebump

into undrifting lungloss of seastop.

Andrew Brenzais a social worker and poet living in the Philadelphia area. His work has appeared in GlitterPony, the Scrambler, Sawbuck, and Shampoo.