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Kimberly Abruzzo

Navy is royal, / black is gray, / red is pink.

Yes, Captain

I’d fallen in love with a shark tamer.
Handsome: on the reasonable end of tall,
with light brown hair bleached by sunlight
and mahogany eyes. Handsome

with the complexion of a man
I met when it was hops and drizzly;
weather-worn. Navy is royal,
black is gray,
red is pink.

I was lent a blue fish to tend.
My concerns were unbuttoning
and staying alive.
There are many other great whites in this Ocean,

having my own created a certain mind.
Rumor remains:
Look out for the shark who entertains lazy yachts.

A few days after the seduction, the Telegraph reported
a pink mammal frolicking among its pack
in a cobbled Louisiana inlet.

Kimberly Abruzzo's work has been seen in Disquieting Muses Quarterly, Boxcar Poetry Review, and Can We Have Our Ball Back? and is forthcoming in Boxcar Poetry Review's annual anthology. A writer currently residing in Massachusetts, Kimberly believes the world is very vast, and should be experienced accordingly.